Making Your Office Relocation A Little Easier

Moving On Up – 4 Tips To Make Your Office Relocation Easier

Relocating your business can be an arduous task, doubly so when you’re trying to conduct a search alongside your regular job. There are countless considerations that go into an office move: some are difficult to be prepared for if you’ve never had to up sticks, and some of which can surprise a seasoned searcher. Luckily, here at Shoreditch Office Space, we like to provide you with some helpful tips to make your move a little bit easier.

1.      Be clear about your requirements

Before you decide to make a move and begin looking at offices, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. Factors such as move in date (especially if you’re already in an office and your lease is ending) and the amount of space you’ll need are usually fixed, but decide early on what you can be flexible on, such as the area you’d like to move to or key office features. Being flexible on some of the smaller details can make your search much faster and more productive.

2.      Start planning early

If you know you’d like to make the move to a new office, start planning 3-4 months before your move date. This will give you time to look for the right representation, find the perfect place for you and your team, and sort out any last minute details. Shoreditch Office Space help clients to manage the project so that no unnecessary time is wasted, maximising profitability.

3.      Communicate

Just as with most things in life, communication will be key in making your office move a success. Give your staff plenty of warning and, if possible, seek their input for plans and tasks related to the move. It’s also important to keep in close contact with your moving representation and any companies you’ve engaged to make your move easier. Double-checking details won’t hurt and could save you a lot of time on move-in day.

4.      Take advantage of it

Moving is a chance to start fresh. Relocation can be a great opportunity to reinvent the way your office operates, disregarding the outdated conventions that have governed your work life for years. Throw away the folders that are collecting dust on the windowsill, implement the electronic memo system that you’ve never got around to. Moving can be a great time to review existing processes and see how your company can improve its productivity.

If you would like to learn more about Shoreditch Office Space, or find out about the services we provide our clients, please contact