Some people come to the conclusion that in the same way renting a flat is paying someone else’s mortgage, renting office space is an equivalent waste of finances. Whilst not entirely true, the comparison is a fair one and worthy of some attention as demand for offices to buy in Shoreditch increases.
Rents in Shoreditch have seen a dramatic rise in the last 5 years and at Shoreditch Office Space we have seen an increase in people looking for freehold office space in the same time period. It seems that the untamed prices of Shoreditch Landlords are forcing would be occupiers into seeking their own means of finding cost effective space, and although freehold office space in certainly harder come by, the benefits are endless.
So, whatever happened to the freehold office? Are they still readily available and how would an SME go about acquiring one? These are just some of the questions we get asked by clients trying to secure freehold space in Shoreditch. The truth of the matter is there are freehold spaces on the market, but they prove harder to find than their residential counterparts. Continuing to use the comparison between a flat and an office, a Zoopla or Google search could provide results in seconds for the former, but the latter requires a more in depth search with the knowledge and help of professionals.
East London is one of the most in demand areas of London, sought by City workers, creatives and those wishing to invest in London real estate. Due to this popularity, it’s no wonder navigating this ever-changing market is going to be not only confusing, but competitive. We generally see demand for freehold office space sized between 500 – 5,000 sq ft, and our research team have found that it is between this range in which potential buyers will have the most successful search.
Unlike renting a serviced office, or even signing a 5 year lease, buying freehold space is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. Having said that, with our help on both the finding and acquiring of the office, and with the legal side of proceedings, a freehold office space doesn’t have to be the ‘impossible dream’ it seems. We are constantly learning of new opportunities on the market and have years of experience negotiating the best deals for our clients. Our research department are the first to know of the latest offices available and our proven track record is unrivalled in East London.
Find your freehold office
If you are seeking freehold office space in Shoreditch and need some professional help please use the details below to get in touch with a member of our team who would gladly provide you with information on a number of freehold opportunities in the area.
Telephone: 020 3434 3860